I am spending time at the laundromat because I am trying to wash my comforter, and it won't fit in my home washing machine. I am trying to wash my comforter because of something I saw on Oprah this morning, something about billions of dust mites living in my bed and causing me to wheeze. And this is why I am glad the summer is over and the school year is beginning: I've been reduced to watching Oprah and freaking out about everything I see.
And so a new year is about to begin. I should be writing lesson plans. I should be thinking of new ways of reaching my students, new ways of teaching to the test. But instead I'm worried about dust mites. Oh well, I don't really need to worry about my classes this week, as long as my students and I remember to Just Go!
I'm thinking, though, of ways the signs in the streets could inspire my students.
Just Go! ...
... and make your teachers' lives miserable! (Well, more so than they already are.)
... and get away from your parent(s)/guardian(s)!
... and get a free lunch!
... and get a 14 on the ACT!
OK, OK, this is a negative way to start the new year. So, now that it's out of my system, I will make a public vow: This year I will be positive. I will look on the sunny side of whatever life and teenagers throw at me. I will do my best, and at the end of every day, I will do my darnedest to write about it here, whatever happens.
All you have to remember is to Just Go! to this blog once in a while.
"Just Go" struck me as a negative, perjorative statement minimizing education. My wife, as we drove by one of these tasteless,classless, and artless pieces of litter, spontaneously reacted, 'why doesn't it say "See you there!", or something positive?' I would like to know: Who exactly is responsible for approving such drivel?
I agree. But I'm trying to stay positive, so I'll look at it this way: Somebody actually made some money to come up with that slogan. Hopefully, that somebody was a CPS graduate.
Oh, and speaking of positive, I appreciate the mention on the District 299 blog today. I'm hoping those readers check out the rest of this blog from time to time. One thing that was mentioned there that I forgot to say anything about is just how ugly the "Just Go!" logo is. And on that note, the "CPS" logo is pretty lame, too. I'm really curious how many decades ago that was designed ...
The logo is ugly because it was cheap (two colors ink, white is paper and perhaps a black outline) and this is fitting when you think about how cheap the Chicago Board of Education really is when it comes to children. The ugliness of the sign therefor is apt as is the lack of positive message.
I know I'm late in making a comment here, but if the signs on the streets aren't positive, how positive are the speeches from our administrators? Supportive, encouraging, pat-on-the-back type stuff? Not happening... MMMM, the negativity permeates throughout ---
Better than "What else ya gonna do?"
Oops--and it was the 299 blog that got me here...that site has paid off in more ways than one...
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